Front of Nations for Self-determination (Iran) FNFSD, Strongly Condemns Child Sexual Abuse

جبهه ملل براي حق تعيين سرنوشت ايران
Front of Nations for Self-determination (Iran) FNFSD, Strongly Condemns Child Sexual Abuse of the Two 7, 8 Years Old Ethnic Turkmen Girls By the Security Guard of Golestan Dam in Village Arab-Surneg, Gonbad-Kavus. FNFSD Unconditionally Support the Just and Humanity Demand of Ethnic Turkmen People of Turkmen-Sahra/ South Turkmenistan for the Highest Judicial Punishment for the Child Rapist Criminal Who Is the Zaboli agent of regime and the Former Member of the Terrorist Quds Forces.
On Monday, March 22.2021, the residents of village Arab-Surneg near to city Gonbad-Kavus confront the Child Sexual Abuse when they observed that the two 7,8 ethnic Turkmen girls naked and humbled were running from the security Guard Cabin of Golestan Dam to their home. In fact, these two children were carrying food and water to for Alireza Khan-ahmadi, the security guard of Golestan Dam to his cabin.
Insulted people of the Arab-Surneg village who previously were heard about the inhumane behaviour of this child abuser too, but did not encounter eye-witnessed facts about, angrily went to his cabin, took him away, burned the cabin and begin to beat him to death. Regrettably, the child abuser was saved by the group of rapid special forces who were sent to the village. they were taken him to custody and brought to city Gonbad-Kavus and to the so called court of Iranian Islamic regime that always baked the criminals but never support the victim even if this victim is an ethnic Turkmen children. However, severely humiliated and outraged residents of Arab-Surneg village who were witnessed the horrifying situation of the abused children ‘s suffering and cry, broke the windows of the terrorist Pasdaran forces vehicles and practiced the highly anguished protest into the presence of military forces to protect the child rapist and Quds Force criminal. Iranian ancient Islamic regime consistently persecuted and sentenced the Sunni Turkmens as victims for over three decades.
 Aman-mukhamed Khojemly, who is an ethnic Turkmen cultural activist and in a family-friend relation with sexually abused children s’ parents in his interview with Ruidad 24 (published at, on Friday March 26.2021) stated that Alireza Khan-Ahmadi, the security guard of Golestan Dam was in friendly relation with the family of the two abused 7,8 years old children for a long time. They lived near to the security guard cabin and usually these children brought to him food and water. Factually, they fed him “as one of their family members” daily.
Aman-mukhamed Khojemly also indicated that five years ago another 14-15 years old ethnic Turkmen girl was raped by Alireza Khan-ahmadi and became pregnant too. But the parents of the girl in fear of their family reputation hide the rape case and made the abortion for their daughter. There are also several other children of the village who were annoyed and abused by this person in the past. This 54/55 years old anti-Turkmen, anti-Human and anti- humanity Zaboli agent of regime, Alireza Khan-ahmadi is former member of the terrorist organization of Quds forces and seems has a family too.
It is noteworthy to mention that Zabolis are a part of Persians who were brought to Turkmen-Sahra after its occupation by Pahlavi regime to change the demographic landscape of Turkmen motherland and use them as spy-agents too. Zabolis are mostly uncultured, dependent, nasty and vulgar groups that even is not recognized by Persians as Persians. At the time of Pahlavi regime, Zabolis only worked as farm workers for ethnic Turkmens in the villages, but so called Iranian Islamic regime armed them and widely used them as the Shia-militants against ethnic Turkmens and for the terrorist Pasdaran forces (IRG) and Quds Forces. For instance, at the time of 2019 March flood in Turkmen-Sahra, unarmed Turkmens who were trying to make dam against the flood in the villages of Sha-Depe/Islam Depe, Gagarinjik-Gokchely, Aqsin-Depe were attacked by them. Zaboli attackers led by Safer Jenpa son of Mohammad along with others like Khoda-baksh Mirshekar son of Golmuhamed, Mojteba-Khan Shirzad son of Abasali, Nurahmad Cherbku son of Aligol opened fire into Turkmen villagers in front of the Police and Gendarmeri forces. There were several Turkmen villagers who badly injured by Zaboli attackers and taken to hospital such as Orphan Aqsinly son of Shamsollah, Mansur Garinjik son of Gulmukhamed, Mukhamed-safa Garinjik son of Habib. There was no investigation about that.
As usual for Iranian Islamic regime and its corrupt and ancient judicial system, the head of the Medical Assessment Centre for the Alleged Child Sexual Abuse in city Gonbad-Kavus, Mehdi Mofidi to support the member of the terrorist Quds Force and Shia Zaboli agent of the regime who are related to Khamenei-based nomenclature of gang groups, shamelessly refused the child rape allegation. On the same day, the city Gonbad-Kavus district attorney/prosecutor Seyyed Khosrow Khalili also systematically acted in support of the above mentioned “medical assessment of Mehdi Mofidi”, and changed the Child Sexual Abuse case into the Abduction to ease the punishment of the child rapist and to manifest his obedience for the pro-regime gang of Khamenei. For instance, when the Khamenei ‘s Qoran teacher Saeed Toosi, accused widely though the complaints of the several families whose their underage trainees were sexually abused by their teacher, Khamenei is supported the Saeed Toosi and denied the child sexual abuse allegations of many families against him in Tehran.
In a local level, Mr. Ali Yazdani the head of the City Court of Gonbad-Kavus ordered to arrest the ethnic Turkmens who demanded justice for the abused 7,8 years old children by gathering in front of City Court office. He arrested several people from the crowd “to protect the city property???”, but without indicating of any damage report during the demonstration of ethnic Turkmens in Gonbad-Kavus and in front of City Court. Maybe, he wanted to protect the pavements of city-streets from the ethnic Turkmens who were walking on them in the past few days more than the other days; ethnic Turkmens who were confident to protect the integrity of their children and to force even the evil regime of Khamenei act for Justice.
In a Provincial level, the Governor of Golestan Hadi Hagshenas, state attorney of Golestan Hadi Hashemian, Commander of Sepah-e Neyneva, Ali-melek Shakuhi, along with the corrupt Turkmen religious agents of the regime like Akhund Abdulbaset Nurizad and Akhund Abdulrazag, all only intimidated ethnic Turkmens to be silenced and tolerate the child abuse or they would suppress militarily; instead of giving even a short supporting statement about the abused 7, 8 years old ethnic Turkmen children.
Based-on the statements of the local and provincial authorities of Golestan, all state officials direct, indirect had intimidating remarks against ethnic Turkmens of Gonbad-Kavus and Turkmens in whole. And nobody in a local or provincial level demonstrated any kind of worries even about the integrity of Turkmen children who were sexually abused, forced to dance naked by Zaboli agent of regime “Alireza Khan-Ahmadi”. Why??? Because the whole regime of so called Islamic Iran is the evil and the enemy of humankind, antagonist to every democratic move and heresy, and absolutely against the humanity.
It is noteworthy to declare that the fake “Iranian revolution” of 1978 that over 90% of its capacity is wasted for the theocratic, corrupt and ancient concept of Khomeini and Khamenei; was unable to provide and protect even a minimum democratic right such as the freedom of religion, equality of man and women for its followers. It obviously had no transformative /life-changing signature of non-Persian Nations national, democratic and political rights and values too. However, at this stage, among the non-Persian nations mostly Turkmens of Turkmen-Sahra could benefit from the approximated democratic atmosphere and steel decentralized suppressive forces of the regime by creating their autonomous state organs like Turkmen Cultural and Political Centre (Kanoon) and Coordination Centre of Farmers-Soviets in Turkmen-Sahra (Setad), both founded in the spring of 1978. They could take back the confiscated Turkmen land from Pahlavi generals and to return it to Turkmen people who mostly live and farm in villages. Turkmen-Sahra autonomous state is lasted more than a year (1978-1960).
Evidently, Oppression suffered by South Turkmens are multilayered. First; they are Sunni minority, and under the most horrifying kind of religious discrimination. Second; Southern Turkmens are being punished for their creation of Turkmen-Sahra Autonomous State after the fake Iranian revolution in the winter of 1978. Third; Turkmens were the first among Non-Persian nations who officially rejected the legality of Islamic of Republic in Iran, in its referendum of March 1979 and voted for the choice of the Democratic Republic.
Nonetheless, the memory of the heroic sons of South Turkmenistan that we can meet with them only in our dreams, thoughts and in the strong will of an ethnic Turkmen who obligated to carry the fallen flag of his father, mother, brother, sister or a friend to end the occupation of South Turkmenistan and to make the Ideal of Sovereignty the only reality of Turkmen destiny is our principal commitment to build the independent future of South Turkmenistan. And beyond this point, there is no more direction to search, no more point to reach and no more time to wast. Lets to member: “Iranian Islamic regime” have nothing in their whole mercenary arsenal that can break the spirit of one Southern Turkmen, one South Azerbaijani Turk, one Ahwazi Arab, one Baloch or a Kurd who does not want to be broken.
FNFSD belies that the past historical lessons of the both occupant regimes of the King and Molla or the both Persian-Iranian regime of Pahlavi and Khomeini-Khamenei are the absolute enemies of non-Persian nations of Southern Turkmens, South Azerbaijani Turks, Ahwazi Arabs, Baluches and Kurds since 1924-1925. We conclude that the national democratic struggle of Southern Turkmens against the regime is the undivided part of the greater national, democratic struggle of all non-Persian nations that will bring the victory and will achieve the sovereignty of all non-Persian nations based on the solidarity and political unity among Southern Turkmens, South Azerbaijani Turks, Ahwazi Arabs, Baloches and Kurds through the local and global work and network of The Front of Nations for Self-Determination (Iran) -FNFSD.
President, Abdulla Baluch
Front of Nations for Self-determination (Iran), FNFSD