Mehrab Sarjo, Deputy Speaker of Zrombesh: Baloch commemorate the First Anniversary of Zahedan Bloody Friday

On the 30th Septemer 2023, a year on from the Zahedan Bloody Friday, the Free Balochistan Movement held an event at the London University/Birkbeck to remember and pay tribute to over 120 innocent Baloch who were shot at indiscriminately and killed within an hour by the brutal and bloodthirsty regime of Iran in Zahedan and Khash city.

Mr Mehrab Sarjo, Deputy Speaker of Baluchistan Raji Zrombesh(Baluchistan National Movement) gave this speech:

One year has passed since the protest started under the umbrella of Makki Mosque and Molavi Abdolhamid’s leadership.

We are well aware of the fact that Tehran imposed this war on Makki Mosque and dragged Molavi Abdolhamid into the current conflict. Until now, Molavi has taken his responsibilities very seriously and stood with the victims.

The Baluch Political parties and activists have supported protesters and religious leadership, which have demanded justice for last year’s massacre/ genocide in Zahedan and Khash.

We support regime change in Iran unconditionally. We stand with the Makki Mosque and Molavi Abdolhamid as long as Molavi expresses people’s legitimate demands, which he has been doing so.

Molavi may represent enlightenment in Iran. The Baluch nation is a progressive nation, and Molavi represents the best of it.

One should not expect Molavi to deliver federalism for Iran or independence for Baluchistan. It is the political parties’ responsibility to fulfil their manifesto commitment.

The struggle for an independent Baluchistan from Iran is as old as the Iranian occupation of Baluchistan. The movement against the Persian occupation of Baluchistan did not start with Zahedan genocide last year. Zahedan’s genocide was one of many genocides Iranian forces have committed in Baluchistan, and this is not to be the last one.


1- We support regime change in Iran unconditionally;

2- We support the Iranian and Baluch people’s protest unconditionally;

3- considering the situation, the movement for independent Baluchistan should make its presence felt on the ground without creating a fracture in current ongoing Friday’s protest.

Mehrab Sarjov is a political activist based in London

30th Sep 2023/ London
